Please Join Us

We are Wanderers... Some people live their lives deliberately going from place to place. We too spend our work days doing that. But it seems that the best moments in life often happen by chance, unexpected and unplanned.

In this blog, we will try to capture the wonder we have felt when we happened upon the scenes shared here. Beauty and interest are truly where you find them. "Vagando" is the Spanish word for wandering and beautifully captures the feeling of freedom and ease we experience in our mini adventures. We hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as we have enjoyed finding them.

Not all those who wander are lost... J.R.R. Tolkien

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Celebration in Arches

 We celebrated a wonderful milestone recently in a place of incredible and unusual beauty.  It somehow seemed appropriate to reflect on thirty-five amazing years together in such an exquisite place.  Ours has never been an ordinary relationship.  It has been filled with adventure, challenges, times for learning from each other, times for learning together, and times for sharing what we have learned apart.  But it has always had a deep and lasting wonder about it.  Each day continues to be a unique celebration, never routine, never ordinary.  Thank you for showing me how to live life to its fullest.  Te Adoro Amorcita.


To many more adventures...


  1. Beautiful and what a wonderful way to celebrate 35yrs. I am proud of you guys, what an accomplishment in our day.

    My fav is the last one. I always love a sunburst shot. :)

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!!! Moab is an awesome place to take pictures!! love ya Lyn
