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We are Wanderers... Some people live their lives deliberately going from place to place. We too spend our work days doing that. But it seems that the best moments in life often happen by chance, unexpected and unplanned.

In this blog, we will try to capture the wonder we have felt when we happened upon the scenes shared here. Beauty and interest are truly where you find them. "Vagando" is the Spanish word for wandering and beautifully captures the feeling of freedom and ease we experience in our mini adventures. We hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as we have enjoyed finding them.

Not all those who wander are lost... J.R.R. Tolkien

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Another Spring in Western Colorado

Spring has returned to the valleys and pathways we love.  And, we finally had a free Saturday to spend exploring.  It had been several years since we had hiked the No Thoroughfare Canyon.  So we decided to see if we could find the waterfall we missed the first time around.  The day was perfect.  Spring flowers were just making their debut.  And, there was still some water left in the waterfalls...


  1. Looks wonderful, the colors are so vibrant and the composition looks great. I love the desert flowers! Great job, can't wait to see what else you do this year!

    1. Thanks. It was good to get out and enjoy the warmth of Spring. The flowers and cacti were amazing. We kind of overdid the hiking part, but it was worth it.

  2. You are getting so good! You have always had a great eye, but I can tell you are starting to get a really strong hold of the photo editing aspect. Less is more when it comes to editing. You want things to look as natural as possible. I love that you are taking the time to find the beauty in the little things in life. Keep up the good work dad!

    1. Sometimes life make you look for beauty in the small things. I always love the Indian Paint Brush. It is definitely my favorite flower. But, they are actually rather difficult to photograph in a way that does them justice. So fragile...but so vibrant.

      For some reason, I was really drawn toward the cactus we found. I particularly like the picture of the one in the shape of a cross against the black rock. Life is amazing how it finds a way to thrive even in the harshest of environments
