Please Join Us

We are Wanderers... Some people live their lives deliberately going from place to place. We too spend our work days doing that. But it seems that the best moments in life often happen by chance, unexpected and unplanned.

In this blog, we will try to capture the wonder we have felt when we happened upon the scenes shared here. Beauty and interest are truly where you find them. "Vagando" is the Spanish word for wandering and beautifully captures the feeling of freedom and ease we experience in our mini adventures. We hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as we have enjoyed finding them.

Not all those who wander are lost... J.R.R. Tolkien

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chasing Sunsets

We are also sunset chasers.  From our earlier post, you can tell that we have never met a sunset we didn't love.  Sometimes, we jump in the car just as the sun is starting to sink and follow it to an open field or parking lot and then settle in to watch the spectacle.  People look at you funny, and sometimes suspiciously, when they see you just sitting in an empty parking lot (after all, who just sits and watches a sunset?). But, if they see you have a camera, it almost seems respectable.

The sequence of pictures that follow were captured on a sunset chasing adventure last night.  We chased it to a church parking lot that we have found offers a wonderful view of the Colorado National Monument.  For anyone reviewing the surveillance video of our activities taken from the church rooftop, I promise -- our activities were harmless and all we took with us were these images and the serenity absorbed from spending thirty minutes admiring God's handiwork.

All pictures were taken in the order displayed on the evening of October 1, 2010


  1. Totally AWESOME!!!! I love beautiful sunsets! Lyn

  2. So much peace is found in a sunset! Love all of these dad! Looks like you are having a lot of fun! :)

  3. Amazing, just love them and am excited to put more up in the store. I think they will sell well. You are great at the sunset shots. :) Love you and am glad you are finding so much joy in photography.
    love mandy
